Alliance Leadership and Governance

In April 2016, the Math Alliance moved its administrative home to Purdue University, and in 2017 Purdue created the Center for the Math Sciences Alliance, in the College of Science. The Center reports to the Dean of the College of Science. Here is a summary of this new administrative arrangement. Here is a detailed description (PDF), including the procedure for the selection of Alliance and Center officers.
- Executive Director: The Center is administered by its Executive Director(ED). The Executive Director will be a tenured faculty member in a department at Purdue University which has formed an Alliance Doctoral Program Group. The ED reports to the Executive Council and the Dean of the College of Science.
- Executive Council: Alliance policy is set by the Alliance Executive Council which also serves as the Executive Council for the Center.
- Alliance Director: In addition to serving as Chair of the Executive Council, the Director is responsible for designing and implementing new programs that promote the mission of the Alliance.
- Alliance Associate Director for Statistics: The Associate Director for Statistics acts as the liaison to the Statistics community and oversees the Alliance Statistics Initiative.
Present Directorate:
- Executive Director: David Goldberg, Purdue University
- Director Emeritus: Philip Kutzko, University of Iowa (retired)
- Program Advisor: Rodrigo Bañuelos, Purdue University
- Associate Director for Industrial Relations: Nitsan Ben-Gal, 3M Company
- Senior Advisor and Associate Director for Undergraduate Programs: William Vélez, University of Arizona (retired)
- Associate Director for Infrastructure: Roosevelt Johnson, NASA (retired)
- Associate Director for Partnerships: David Hunter, Penn State University
- Associate Director for Applied Mathematics: Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, George Mason University
- Associate Director for Statistics: Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver, North Carolina State University
- Associate Director for HBCU Relations: Joan Evans, Texas Southern University
- Associate Director for Regional Alliances: Theresa Martines, University of Texas, Austin
- Associate Director for Biostatistics and Data Science: Javier Rojo, Indiana University
Present Executive Council:
- Terrence Blackman, Medgar Evers College, CUNY (Chair)
- Leslie McClure, Saint Louis University
- Pamela E. Harris, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Nathan Alexander, Howard University
- Kyndra Middleton, Howard University
- Roberto Soto, California State University, Fullerton