Math Alliance Affiliated REUs

There are a variety of programs that are affiliated with the Math Alliance. Each of these programs welcome Math Alliance Scholars. See the annotated list of summer research programs (PDF) that has been complied by William Y. Velez and continued by Amanda Laubmeier.
Every summer, hundreds of students from across the country participate in quantitative sciences focused Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) and similar programs. The benefits of participating in an REU are numerous. First and foremost, students have the opportunity to work closely with peers and faculty conducting original research in the quantitative sciences. In doing so, they develop a better understanding of what it means to do research. REUs often provide students the opportunity to develop their written and oral communication skills by writing about and presenting their work to various audiences. In addition, REUs allow students to build lasting professional relationships—and many times friendships—with students and faculty outside their home institutions.
Many students who participate in REUs go on to graduate school and consider their REU experiences to be an invaluable part of their preparation for advanced study in the quantitative sciences. As an example, here are just a few comments from past participants in REUs:
“The program helped me develop mathematical writing and speaking skills that I have found useful, especially now that I am in graduate school.”
“This summer definitely helped me make some decisions about my future. I am now more motivated and have determined that I would like to go to graduate school and possibly on to a doctorate. I would then be the first in my family, and I feel like this goal is more achievable than I had viewed it in the past.”
“[The GVSU REU] gave me a much better appreciation of how different parts of mathematics connect, as well as insight into the excitement of delving into a topic.”
Summer Programs for Undergraduates
Arizona State University Department of Mathematics - Quantitative Research in the Life and Social Sciences
Auburn University - REU in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bethune-Cookman University - Mathematical Modeling in Environmental, Biological and Other Sciences
Brown University - SUMMER@ICERM Computational Dynamics and Topology
Bryn Mawr College - MathILy-EST (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity)
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - Preparing Undergraduates through Mentoring toward PhD's (PUMP)
Central Washington University - Central Convergence Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CCREU)
Clarkson University - MBioTS REU
Colorado University- Colorado Summer Institute in Biostatistics (CoSIBS)
Colorado University- Summer Multicultural Access to Research Training (SMART) program.
East Tennessee State University - SMART in Math
- Wayne State University- eCHT Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer 2023
Grand Valley State University Department of Mathematics - The REU Program in Mathematics
Harvard School of Public Health - Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences
Harvard School of Public Health - Summer Program in Epidemiology
Harvey Mudd College EDGE Program - EDGE: A Mathematics Program for Women
Indiana University - RUSIS Summer Program
Iowa State University - Math REU
James Madison University - Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Jackson State University - I-ACED
Kansas State University - Summer Undergraduate Mathematics Research (SUMaR)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) - MSRI-UP Summer Program
Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) - Undergraduate Summer Research Program
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (QSURE) - Summer Internship
Michigan State University - SURIEM REU Program
North Carolina State University Department of Mathematics - Directed Research for Undergraduates in Math and Statistics
NYU Global Public Health Department of Biostatistics- PQAR: Pathways into Quantitative Aging Research Summer Program
Oregon State University - Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science REU
Park City Mathematical Institute - Undergraduate Summer School
Pomona College - PRiME- Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience
- Purdue University- Research Computing REU/Paid Internships
- Prairie View A&M University - I-ACED
Rice University - I-ACED
- Texas State University - REU in Algebra, Combinatorics, and Statistics
Texas A&M University - Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- Texas Southern University - I-ACED
Texas Tech University - Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Methods for Problems in the Life Sciences
The Leadership Alliance - Summer Research- Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)
The Ohio State University- Research Opportunities in Mathematics for Underrepresented Students (ROMUS)
University of Arizona - Summer REU
University of California Irvine - IS-BUDS
University of Central Florida- Research Experiences for Undergraduates on Applied and Computational Mathematics
- University of Chicago - Mathematics REU
University of Colorado Boulder - Summer Multicultural Access to Research Training (SMART) program
- University of Colorado Boulder - Summer research opportunity
University of Iowa Departments of Biostatistics and Statistics - Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics (ISIB)
University of Iowa Department of Computer Science - REU for Computing for Health and Well-being
University of Kansas - Cryptography Boot Camp NSF-REU Program
University of Michigan- SROP (Summer Research Opportunity Program) for undergraduates
University of Notre Dame - Summer Research Opportunities
University of Texas - REU for Applied Mathematics and Computational and Data Science 2023
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) - REU Program on Applied Mathematics and Computational and Data Science
University of Virginia - Department of Mathematics REU
Valparaiso University - The Valparaiso Experience in Research by Undergraduate Mathematicians (VERUM)
Virginia Tech - Collaborative Undergraduate Biostatistics Experience (CUBE)
- Wayne State University- online Research Experience for Undergraduates
Williams College Department of Mathematics - SMALL Undergraduate Research Project
Winthrop University - Mathematics REU Program
Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics
Affiliated Programs
Purdue University: The Data Mine
Summer Programs for Graduates
- Park City Math Institute - Graduate Summer School
- University of Colorado Boulder - Homotopical Methods in Fixed Point Theory
Faculty Programs and Workshops
Park City Mathematical Institute - Undergraduate Faculty Program