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Timothy Secomb

Timothy Secomb

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  • University of Arizona
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Applied Mathematics,

Research Interests

Biomathematics (Primary)


Dr. Timothy W. Secomb trained in mathematics at the University of Melbourne (Australia) and in applied mathematics at Cambridge University (U.K.), where he received his Ph.D. He joined the University of Arizona in 1981, where he is a Professor with appointments in the Department of Physiology and the Program in Applied Mathematics. In his research, he uses mathematical and computational approaches to study problems in biology, with a focus on the microcirculation, the system of tiny blood vessels where oxygen and other substances are exchanged between blood and tissue. He is a leading expert in the theoretical modeling of several aspects of microcirculation, including the mechanics of blood flow in microvessels, the exchange of oxygen and other substances between blood and tissue, and the long-term control of blood vessel structure. His research work is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). As a research mentor, Dr. Secomb has advised more than 10 Ph.D. students and has been a member of numerous doctoral committees. He is the Director of a training program funded by the NIH, 'Computational and mathematical modeling of biomedical systems,' which provides support for five graduate students. This program emphasizes interaction and collaboration between students with mathematical and physical science backgrounds and those with biological science training, and with faculty in both areas. In recent years, the need for mathematical scientists to contribute to progress in biological and medical fields has become increasingly clear. Dr. Secomb's research and training programs provide opportunities for students to gain the knowledge and skills needed to work in this area.