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Thomas Schmidt

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  • Oregon State University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

Number theory


After a year of college, I dropped out and traveled the country a bit before working construction. I soon decided that more education would be a good idea. After college, I joined the Peace Corps and taught mathematics in a high school in Togo, West Africa. Thereafter, I knew I wanted to study more mathematics. Graduate school began slowly, as there is quite a gap between high school mathematics and first year graduate material. I made it through and found that I really loved both teaching mathematics and doing research. I had a short post-doc in Australia and then made my way to Oregon State University. I am expecting my sixth and seventh PhD students to graduate this year; they are working on algebraic aspects of geometric gadgets that are of interest in dynamics.