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Steven Bell

Steven Bell

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  • Purdue University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

Complex analysis


Steve Bell grew up in Wayne, Michigan, home of the Ford pick-up truck plant. He started thinking of himself as a scientist at a young age because his mother started him collecting insects to help him overcome his fear of bees. As his ineptitude at laboratory science became apparent, and after a math teaching neighbor taught him how to measure the height of trees without climbing them, he started thinking of himself as a mathematical scientist. He attended Engineering School in applied math at University of Michigan and went on to get a PhD from MIT in pure math. His PhD thesis was on boundary behavior of biholomorphic mappings between pseudoconvex domains in several complex variables under the direction of Norberto L. M. Kerzman. After five years as a postdoc and junior faculty member at Princeton University, he moved to Purdue University and has stayed there ever since. He served as chair of the graduate program at Purdue for several years and ran a GAANN fellowship program dedicated to recruiting underrepresented groups into the mathematical sciences. He is highly committed to the cause of the Alliance.