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Margaret Readdy

Margaret Readdy

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  • University of Kentucky
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

Algebraic combinatorics, namely interaction of combinatorics with algebra, topology, discrete geometry and number theory.


Margaret Readdy is a Professor of Mathematics. After receiving her PhD in Mathematics, Readdy held a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Montral at Laboratoire de Combinatoire et d'Informatique Mathmatiques (LACIM) at Universit du Qubec Montral (UQAM) and was a three-year Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University. In 1998-1999 Readdy was a Visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and the following year she held a Visiting Professorship at Stockholm University. Readdy joined the University of Kentucky faculty in Fall 2000. Readdy was a Visiting Professor in Applied Mathematics at MIT in 2006--2007 and was a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in 2010--2011. Most recently, in 2014--2015 Readdy was a Visiting Professor and Research Scholar in the Princeton University Mathematics Department. She currently is a Program Organizer and serves on the Program Committee for the Women and Mathematics (WAM) Program at the Institute for Advanced Study. Readdy's research is supported by a five year Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant. This is the second such grant the Simons Foundation has awarded her.