Kui Zhang
- Email: kuizmtu.edu
- Website
- Biosketch PDF
- Michigan Technological University - Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Status: Faculty
- Department: Math,
- Will Mentor: Pre-doctoral students
Areas of Expertise
Mathematical Statistics, Applied Statistics,
Research Interests
Statistical Genetics and Genomics, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Applied Statistics
I obtained my PhD in probability and statistics from Beijing University in 1999 and joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Michigan Technological University as a full professor in August of 2015.
I have two related but different research areas: (1) my methodological research interests focus on the development of novel statistical methods and efficient computational and bioinformatics tools to address scientific problems in biomedical fields, especially in statistical genetics and genomics; (2) my collaborative research interests are to apply powerful and innovative statistical and computational methods to address problems from genetic studies and other types of studies including but not limited to biomedical research.