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Jess Ellis Hagman

Jess Ellis Hagman

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  • Colorado State University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Applied Mathematics,

Research Interests

Undergraduate Mathematics Education


Jess Ellis Hagman grew up in California and completed all of her degrees there (BS and MS in pure mathematics at Cal Poly, SLO, and PhD in Mathematics Education at UCSD/SDSU). She moved to Colorado for a tenure-track position in the Mathematics Department at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, and happily considers CO her home. Jess researches college calculus programs and is especially interested in eventually being able to walk into any calculus class in any college, and feel the vast majority of students (especially women and students of color) enjoying the material and thriving in the class. She is currently mentoring two graduate students at CSU and has worked with one F-GAP student so far - and has learned that mentoring is her favorite part of this "job."