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Gregery Buzzard

Gregery Buzzard

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  • Purdue University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

Experiment design and uncertainty quantification


Greg Buzzard was born and raised as a Hoosier in Fort Wayne, IN. Despite the fact that many of his high school friends went to Purdue, he traveled north to Michigan State, where he earned a B.S. in computer science, a B.A. in violin performance, and (after returning from a brief detour in computer science at Northwestern) an M.S. in mathematics. He then earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Michigan, with his final semester spent as a visiting scholar at lInstitute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) near Paris, France. He returned to the Big Ten to accept a postdoctoral position at Indiana University, with a couple of semesters off for research at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, CA. After finishing his position at IU, he headed to Ithaca, NY for a position in the math department at Cornell and finally returned to his home state to become Associate Professor at Purdue in 2002 and Full Professor in 2010. His early research was in pure math with an emphasis on several complex variables and dynamical systems. In particular, he published many papers on the stability of dynamical systems; i.e., when does a small change in a system lead to a correspondingly small change in its behavior? In 2003, his research began a shift towards applications when he spent a summer working at Gene Network Sciences (GNS) in Ithaca, NY. There he worked with Jeff Fox, a then-recent Ph.D. from Cornell, and other scientists from Cornell on modeling cardiac electrophysiology from a computational and dynamical systems perspective. Based on this initial collaboration, he applied for and was awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to spend the 2004-2005 academic year on leave from Purdue working at GNS on cardiac modeling. This experience was a great success and led to the start of further collaborations and several other grants. Greg spent another semester at IHES on sabbatical in 2013, and then became Head of the math department at Purdue later that year. Greg has supervised 2 PhD students in math, with 2 more in progress as of Fall 2014, and has co-supervised 2 PhD students in engineering, with one more in progress. When not engaged in academic activities, Professor Buzzard plays the violin in the Lafayette Symphony, practices aikido, and spends time with his family.