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Edward Mosteig

Edward Mosteig

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  • Loyola Marymount University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

Experimental Mathematics, Valuation Theory, Coding Theory, Combinatorics


Edward Mosteig received his B.S. (1993) in Mathematics from University of Michigan, his M.S. (1995) in Mathematics from University of Illinois, his M.S. (1999) in Computer Science from Cornell University, and his Ph.D. (2000) in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University. He spent two years (2000-2002) as a post-doct at Tulane University, and has been a faculty member at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) since 2002.

His research interests include coding theory, valuations, and experimental mathematics, particularly involving problems involving combinatorics. He is also engaged in projects designed to broaden participation in the sciences, particularly first-generation college students and students from under-represented backgrounds. Currently, he serves as the director of the ACCESS program at LMU and the McNair Scholars Program at LMU.