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Donatella Danielli

Donatella Danielli

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  • Arizona State University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math, Stat,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics,

Research Interests

Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations, Geometric Measure Theory


Donatella Danielli is a Professor of Mathematics at Arizona State University. Her research is in the areas of partial differential equations,calculus of variationsandgeometric measure theory, with specific emphasis onfree boundary problems. She received aLaureacum Laudein Mathematics from theUniversity of Bologna, Italy in 1989.She completed her doctorate in 1999 at Purdue, under the supervision ofCarlos E.Kenig.Before joining the Purdue University faculty in 2001, she held positions at TheJohns Hopkins Universityand at theInstitut Mittag-Lefflerin Sweden. She was also a visiting fellow at theIsaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciencesin 2014.She has been the recipient of aNational Science Foundation CAREER Awardin 2003, aPurdue UniversityTeaching for Tomorrow Award in 2004, a Ruth andJoel SpiraAward for Graduate Teaching in 2011, and a Butler Leadership in Action Award in 2013. She was awarded a Simons Fellowship in Mathematics in 2014.In 2017, she became aFellowof theAmerican Mathematical Society"for contributions to partial differential equations and geometric measure theory, and for service to the mathematical community". She has advised, or co-advised, four doctoral students so far, and mentored many undergraduate and graduate students throughout her career.

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