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David Kung

David Kung

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  • St. Mary's College of Maryland
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

Mathematics Education, Math & Music


Dave Kung grew up half-Asian in the whitest Congressional district in the country (Northern Wisconsin). He studied both mathematics and music seriously through high school, and then chose to pursue the former as a vocation and the latter as a hobby. He attended the University of Wisconsin - Madison for all of his degrees, obtaining an undergraduate degree in mathematics and physics, and then masters and doctorates in pure mathematics (harmonic analysis). His research interests have now moved into mathematics education. In particular, hes interested in how college math teachers gain and use knowledge of student thinking in their teaching. His work on Emerging Scholars Programs has helped to level the playing field for under-represented math students. In 2012 he combined his interests in math and music, producing a DVD lecture series on the connections between the two subjects for the Great Courses company. His second lecture series, on mathematical paradoxes was released in 2015. He serves as the director of MAA Project NExT a professional development program for new mathematics faculty.