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Dave Jensen

Dave Jensen

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  • University of Kentucky
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

Algebraic geometry and related combinatorics


I am interested in algebraic geometry, particularly the geometry of algebraic curves, which I study using tools and ideas from combinatorics. I grew up in New Hampshire, attended Williams College, and earned my PhD from the University of Texas in 2010. After that, I spent three years at Stony Brook University as a postdoc in the algebraic geometry group, and a year at Yale studying tropical Brill-Noether theory. I am currently the Wimberly Royster Research Professor of mathematics at the University of Kentucky. I believe that it is my professional responsibility to provide opportunities for math education outside of the classroom. I have been heavily involved with undergraduate research throughout my career, serving as a mentor in the UK Math Lab, the SUMRY program at Yale, and an independent research group at Stony Brook.