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Amanda Harsy

Amanda Harsy

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  • Lewis University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics,

Research Interests

Applying Linear Algebra to Sports Analytics (Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, and Data Science), Determining Optimal Strategies for DNA Self-Assembly Using Tile-Based Assembly and Graphs (Graph Theory and Linear Algebra Methods), Scholarship of Teaching and Learning -Educational Research regarding Mastery-based Learning


I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Lewis University, a private regional liberal arts university in the Chicago suburbs with a focus on teaching and undergraduate research and experiences. My main work for my university involves teaching and mentoring undergraduateresearch projects which is a lot of fun! During my time at Lewis, I have worked with over 30 students on projects involving math education, linear algebra, statistics, and data science. Most of my current projects are more applied than my dissertation work which was done in geometric group theory and has a mix of analysis, algebra, and topology. My specific PhD work involved generalizing Yu's Property A. I also worked on Sylow Group theory at theUniversity of Kentucky. Mycurrent projects are applying linear algebra-based prediction models to sports analytics, modeling DNA self-assembly using graph theory, andScholarship of Teaching and Learning educational research studying the impact of Mastery-based Learning. As a teacher,I try to make my classes interesting, challenging, and fun by using activities rather than didactic lecturing. My favorite teacher in high school would say, ''we are in school to learn to think creatively and logically'', and as I progress in my career as a mathematics educator, I have adopted his mantra. Learning to think creatively and logically is more than a grade, it is a life skill that will help students be successful in whatever they choose to be in the future, from engineer to economist! This is my mission as a teacher, to enable my students to process the world around them in a creative and logical manner.