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Aihua Li

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  • Montclair State University
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Math,
  • Will Mentor: Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Pure Mathematics,

Research Interests

linear algebra, number theory, dynamical systems, graph theory


I enjoy working closely with predoctoral students on research projects and wish to make contributions to this area. In the past, I have directed undergraduate and master level mathematics research in various topics involving linear algebra, number theory, discrete dynamical systems, difference equations, graph theory, and math applications in bioinformatics. I was a faculty mentor on the first CURM team (Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics)team (2007/2008) and on a later team (2009-2010), supported by a an NSF grant through BYU (Brigham Young University). I directed several summer minority REU programs at MSU, funded by MAA NREUP. My experience with CURM/NREUP was rewarding and unforgettable.

My research students gained valuable experience from doing mathematics research and exchanging ideas with their fellow students from other schools across the county. It is really rewarding to see students academic growth after their research explorations and their appreciation of having the opportunities to do research in mathematics. Most of my research students went on to graduate schools in mathematics and some in doctoral programs.