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The Stat Initiative

Math Alliance Stat Initiative

The National Math Alliance’s Statistics Initiative is an active group of faculty mentors and graduate students from programs in the statistical sciences who are committed to building a diverse and inclusive community of faculty, students, and staff in our field. There are many Alliance Graduate Program groups from statistical sciences departments, and with your strong math foundation, you may be qualified to enroll in a program in the statistical sciences.

Statistics, one of the mathematical sciences, is the science of learning from data. Statisticians draw on a strong mathematical foundation to develop and apply methods to data from such interesting areas as: sports, medicine and health, ecology and the environment, politics and government, business and finance, and technology. Statisticians find jobs in academics, government, industry, non-profits, and many other areas. Jobs in statistics are routinely ranked among the best by US News and World Report (Best Business Job, 2018) and Forbes (Best Jobs for Millennials #7), with high satisfaction and high salaries.

We are committed to building an inclusive community of students, faculty, and staff in the statistical sciences, and hope that you will explore our resources. If you would like to learn more about the Statistics Initiative of the Math Alliance, please contact us at:
