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Matthew McCall

Matthew McCall

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  • University of Rochester
  • Status: Faculty
  • Department: Biostat,
  • Will Mentor: Doctoral students, Pre-doctoral students

Areas of Expertise

Applied Statistics, Biostatistics,

Research Interests

Biomedical genomic research


Matthew McCall is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Biostatistics & Computational Biology and Biomedical Genetics at the University of Rochester. He received his PhD in Biostatistics in 2010 from Johns Hopkins University during which he received the Helen Abbey Award of Excellence in Teaching. In 2015, he received the Graduate Student Advocacy Award, which recognizes a faculty member in the University of Rochester school of Medicine and Dentistry who has made significant contributions to the quality of life and education for graduate students. Dr. McCall's current research focuses on developing the statistical methods necessary to tackle challenging problems in biomedical genomic research. Specifically, members of his research group are developing methods to model cellular networks, to preprocess and analyze microRNA-seq data, to estimate the effects of tissue composition and cellular localization on genomics measurements, and to quantify and analyze changes in cell morphology. Dr. McCall's lab is comprised of trainees at all levels of education, from high school students to postdoctoral scholars.